Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tidbit Tuesday: It's a Ruff Life

I can't take credit for this idea. It was all Kimi's idea. Yeah, she's pretty smart and a hoot. I know only 90 year old women say "hoot", but she is funny.

Tidbit - I am terrified of dogs. And cats. And bunnies. Basically, any animals is on my "Most Feared" list. I realize that you may be shocked by this acknowledgment, but it is true. I am a big wimp when it comes to pets. I understand that they are part of your family, but I do not feel comfortable greeting them, petting them or being in their general vicinity. They scare the living daylights out of me! I have been known to pull my legs up on the couch, grasp the nearest person and cower in fear when a dog enters the room. I will admit that I may have asked a host/hostess if they own a dog prior to my visit. I have also locked myself in my car in people's driveway when their dog comes out to greet me. It is not fun and often embarrassing.

However, it isn't that I am a crazy person, I just "had a bad experience". Growing up, our neighbors had 2 adult Dalmatians. And these dogs would terrorize my sisters and me. They would bolt into our backyard, jump on me and chase us home from school. I remember getting off the bus at the end of our street and watching in horror as these wild beasts dogs came bounding out of their yard toward me at full speed. I panicked. I was still 3 houses away from safety. The drills that we practiced in our backyard left me vulnerable and unprepared for this attack. As tears filled my eyes, sweat drenched my shirt, and their outstretched paws were inches from my face, our neighbor stepped onto the yard to call them home. Thankfully they were obedient dogs because when they heard her call, they stopped dead in their tracks and hightailed back home. Okay, it may not have happened exactly like that, but in my elementary school mind it did. Needless to say, I have been scarred for life.

Although I have made strides to overcome this fear by slowly interacting with friends' pets, it still makes me uncomfortable. Maybe it is due to their unpredictable nature. Maybe it is due to their razor sharp nails. Or maybe I am just a wimp. Whatever it may be, please have patience with me when I visit your home. I will be scared poop-less, but I will try to not let it ruin our visit...C'mon cut me some slack, I said that I would try!


  1. Lol tidbit Tuesday works well for you! And really? Bunnies? Maybe only if they are rabid! Haha

  2. I was always very proud of you and how well you always did with Kemper. :-)

  3. Wonderful post, glad Kimi gave you the idea. I can see why you might not like critters with four legs if those wild beasts used to come after you! How scarey!
