Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tummy Tickles & Silly Songs

Smiles. Giggles. Kisses. Tummy Tickles. Silly Songs. This is what our life has been like these days. Maddie keeps us busy and on our toes, but we wouldn't want it any other way. It is exciting to see her developing skills so quickly. Each day it seems like she has discovered something new. Lately it has been her toes.

Along with her toes, she has a fondness for her pointer finger. It ALWAYS finds a way into her mouth. I think that she may be teething (due to the excessive amounts of drool), but people tell me that she is still too young. Either way, she rarely seems uncomfortable with the process and enjoys chomping on her finger.

Maddie LOVES her Daddy. Her face lights up when he walks into her line of sight. They have a special bond that Mommy cannot come close to matching. Saturday mornings have been classified as "Maddie-Daddy Time". I dream of the days when they will go on dates, make pancakes together on Saturday mornings, and make many more special memories together.

This is our life...I am trying to drink in the moments that we have together. The evenings fly by and weekends are never long enough. I try hard not to blink because before I know it, she will be a big girl.

What can I say? We are truly blessed.


  1. I love maddicus...even though she drools like a leaky faucet :)She is the best neice alive! I can't wait to take her shopping and have her color me pictures and make cards i can stick next to Coltys on the fridge!

  2. What beautiful pictures! She is growing so fast!
