Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Goodwill Hunting

I love a good bargain. I think it is in my blood. At a young age, Mamasita (my mom) taught my sisters and I the joys of shopping. I can remember marathon shopping trips for back-to-school clothing and the preparation for the Black Friday deals. "Newspaper-Combo-By Myself- FIRST" was my battle cry every Sunday morning as I grabbed the newspaper for the sales ads. You see I had a system for screening the ads and it couldn't be disturbed by "others".

The love of bargain shopping has stuck with me throughout the years. When I walk into a store my eyes are immediately drawn to the brightly colored clearance stickers. I can spend hours (literally) perusing the aisles of a store in search of these stickers. The thrill of the hunt is just as enjoyable as finding the "deal of the century". It is such a rush of adrenaline! I imagine it is similar to what exercise junkies feel after a good run. But really? Is there such thing as "a good run"? Anyways, I have been known to purchase items without really "needing" them purely because they were such an amazing deal with high hopes of using them in the future. This can be quite irritating to my accountant husband, but I am convinced that I actually SAVE money by purchasing items when I see them rather than when I really need them.

So all of that to say that I started the weekend off with a shopping trip at some of my favorite bargain (thrift) stores. Here are a few items that I picked up:

Small bench - $9

Table Lamps - $13 each

I am in love with these lamps. Their shape echo the gourd lamps that are everywhere these days. I have been waiting for a pair to find its way into my home and now they have! I have some ideas for where these pieces will land, but I am not convinced of whether they will get a full makeover or just a few tweaks. Any suggestions? The lamps would look perfect in our master bedroom with some new crisp white shades and I can picture the bench beneath a console table in our living room.

Should I tackle the upholstery project or leave the beige fabric? Would the lamps look better in a different color? I would love to hear your ideas!


  1. definitely upholster the bench, do some bold pattern and use as a statement piece! And for the lamps, i'd go with a drum shade (i think thats what they are called... the round ones??) love the teal color and maybe a cream or silver over the gold part? great buys!!

  2. I like your ideas! Now, I am on the hunt for a bold pattern for the bench. Maybe I will use an unexpected piece of fabric like from a piece of clothing a la Nate Berkus! And I will definitely be getting drum shades. Good eye!

    Thanks for your comment!
