Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Take a seat

I am so excited to share one of my latest piece of furniture transformations! Our family room was in desperate need of some storage to corral Maddie's toys and some extra seating. I had almost given up hope that I would find something in my shopping ventures (and we haven't quite developed our DIY chops enough to tackle a custom piece) until I saw this diamond in the rough.

The dresser looked like a castoff from a hotel. The top surface had holes where a TV or lamp had been bolted down and the front had normal wear and tear from frequent use.

But I didn't care. It was literally calling out my name when I walked into the room, begging me to take it home. The price was marked at $30, which was okay but not ideal considering the amount of work that needed to be done. But my dreams came true when I spotted the sign on the back wall that said they would negotiate on prices in the back room! Moments after finding this piece, I had haggled my way into a $15 dresser. $15! Wowza! I had to contain my excitement and refrain from buying one more dresser (BOGO right?). 

Ideally, I would have taken this piece and spray painted the living daylights out of it, but since it was a high of 40s, spray painting was out of the question. Since I didn't have the patience to wait it out until the spring, I bundled up and busted out my orbital sander in the garage. Ben has learned that when I get into a project, I.MUST.FINISH.IT. (immediately). So I bribed begged convinced Ben to help me drag the freshly prepped dresser into the family room to be painted. After a coat of primer and 2 coats of paint, she looked like this:

It was love at first sight. It was perfect. Yes, we struggled to open the drawers for a few days while I painstakingly searched every home improvement store in Rochester for the perfect cup handle. I may have gone to Home Depot and Lowes. twice. in one day. After seeing Katie Bower's dresser transformation, I knew that Martha's brushed nickel handles would complete the look.

The dresser is perfect! Not only does it hold Maddie's ever-growing collection of toys, books and our electronics, but once I get the cushion made, it will be a welcoming window seat. Once my family saw the completed project, they wanted one. Unfortunately 3 weeks later, the thrift store marked the piece up to $75! 

Here is a sneak peak at my newest thrift store purchase. At $35, this was a steal! I am so excited at the potential it has. 

Stay tuned for the transformation! 


  1. I am so impressed and so inspired! I hope when we move we will live close enough that you can come help me with some projects! The white with silver handles looks so nice.

    1. Of course! I would love to help. I always love a good DIY project.
